Very Cool: 1971 FIAT 128 2 Door Sedan (...uh, not "Coupe," that is)

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front2.jpgAdvertised as perhaps the oldest complete example of these very cool boxy, economical, made-to-be-stunt-car cars, I checked out this car last weekend.  The current owner (appropriately, an Italian car enthusiast!) rescued this one from NY state & it's been a while since it's been on the road.   Even so, the shear lack of serious rust and/or rot on this car is amazing.  Amazing.  Did I say amazing?   If I didn't I should have, because it is.  Otherwise, it's straight & although it's got the usual faded paint & self destructive interior you'd expect, it's all there.   In fact, the owner has a few extra parts you might want to pick up along with the car to detail it up right!   Though it's not technically in "running/driving" condition right now, it's been started up recently and the report by all parties was that it sounded good & revved well as you should expect of one of the smaller (1100cc)  FIAT SOHC engines.  I was hoping a friend here in Knoxville would pick it up, but the timing turned out all wrong.  Bummer.  Someone needs to snag this car & put it back on the road......well, unless there's salt on the road, that is!   Seriously, this is a good one.  This car is listed on Atlanta's Craigslist.....checkside.jpg it out!

UPDATE:  The 128 is sold.  Can't wait to see it back on the road!

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