I just heard at Mirafiori, my friend Jim from Virginia helped a buddy travel to North Carolina and bring home this 1970 FIAT 124 Sport Coupe. I don't have the link from the Craigslist ad, but the car was the quintessential "barn find" - its secnd owner drove it until 1987 and parked it in a warehouse on his property. Then, 21 years later, having not run in the interim, sporting only 145K miles, no rust and most of the dust collected during that time, it resurfaced for sale. It's new owner, Dave in VA should be very proud. As I understand it, the car is stock/original with the original 1438cc twin cam, but does have aftermarket wheels and Ansa exhaust. All of 124 Coupe folks will bill be watching eagerly to see this one back action. It's great to hear these stories of good saves...contrats, Dave!
Owners' Cars: June 2008 Archives
I just heard at Mirafiori, my friend Jim from Virginia helped a buddy travel to North Carolina and bring home this 1970 FIAT 124 Sport Coupe. I don't have the link from the Craigslist ad, but the car was the quintessential "barn find" - its secnd owner drove it until 1987 and parked it in a warehouse on his property. Then, 21 years later, having not run in the interim, sporting only 145K miles, no rust and most of the dust collected during that time, it resurfaced for sale. It's new owner, Dave in VA should be very proud. As I understand it, the car is stock/original with the original 1438cc twin cam, but does have aftermarket wheels and Ansa exhaust. All of 124 Coupe folks will bill be watching eagerly to see this one back action. It's great to hear these stories of good saves...contrats, Dave!
Club / Community
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Reference / Tech / History
124 Spider Service ManualFIAT Spider Tech Books
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Ignition Switch Repair Article
Tach Fix for Electronic Ignition Coversion
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Scan of 1969 124 Coupe Road Test
FIAT 124 Ball Joints
Mazda seats in a FIAT
124 Vignale
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