Chris: January 2009 Archives

BMW 535i Factory Stereo Speakers

Factory sound equipment from a BMW 535i

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BMW E28 Bumpers & Trim

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These are slightly better photos of the E28 bumpers & related trim that is for sale.
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Basically, a good, used working head pulled from a 1985 BMW 535i.  M30, 3.5l, US-spec.  $100 + shipping.

For sale:  1974 124 Spider Cylinder Head (1756cc, aka "1800"...original to 1974-1978 124 Spiders) - Complete head pulled from a running car....probably 25 years ago & shelved by a series of Fiat fanatics (including myself) since then.  Come to think of it, I think I have two of these, complete & the other still has the '74 EPA smog pump attached!  woohoo!   $60 + shipping.


I've decided instead of finding a loving home for the car, I'm going to find likable homes for all of its, here's a look at some of the first to go:

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I'm going to keep it movable/drivable as long as possible, so trim pieces and easy to remove items will go first.   Email me for questions  or pricing.

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